Sexual Health with Dee

Sexual Health with Dee

Dee is a Sexual Health Educator trained and certified through Options for Sexual Health, British Columbia’s Planned Parenthood, and she also obtained a BA in Psychology. Previous to entering the field of sexual health, she spent four years as a Youth Care Counsellor at an alternate high school in Vancouver.  She offers a Sexual Health and Relationship course that fulfills all of BC Ministry of Education provincial learning standards for teaching sexual health. The course has been successful for over three years at alternate schools, youth clinics, group homes and parenting groups. Each lesson contains vital knowledge about sex and relationships, encourages critical thinking and develops practical skills necessary for navigating today’s world. Participants leave with tools, resources and knowledge regarding their sexual health.

I know I shouldn’t pick favourites. But if I did, this would be it. #1 because it was for my best friend since high school, and #2 because it is something I’m truly passionate about, education and small business! After working many years as a counsellor, Dee decided to try her hand at self-employment as a sexual health educator. There was a need for teachers in this field and after work with youth for years she saw the true value a good sex and relationship education can have on a young adult.  The problem, she had no branding or experience working as a freelancer.

Lucky for Dee developing a business like hers from scratch is my favourite thing to do! We started with a month of business organization talking about the target market, budgeting short term and long term goals to keep the business profitable. During that time Dee also collected images of things she liked from other teachers and brands and we used that to make our first mood board. From there we tweaked the brand until we had something we could apply across all her media platforms and create her website and other brand assets.


This mood board is mostly images Dee picked out that I then edit and arranged with a colour pallet and typography.


We knew Instagram was going to be an integral part of Dee’s marketing. Her website, for the most part, would be static but Instagram would be where she would update daily and connect with her students and their teachers. Because of this, early on we focused on making the brand something that would stand out and look amazing on Instagram. We also played around with logo concepts in this phase.


After making Mood Board 2 we felt the branding might seem a bit too feminine. We didn’t want to alienate any group, particularly teenage boys. With that in mind, we tweaked the branding to still be fun and colourful but a bit more gender-neutral.


After settling on the final branding it was time to make some final tweaks to the logo and Instagram grid. To finalize the grid I created 15 square pattern images that Dee could add text to in Canva and upload them to Instagram to form the grid.


Here are some of the branded assets we made for Dee before and after the website development.


The final step was to make Dee a Squarespace site. Squarespace was the perfect fit for Dee because, for the most part, her site is static, but it also has a simple interface that Dee could make small edits when she needed to, keeping her Instagram, website, and entire brand up to date.



Kelsey brought my vision to life. She created a brand that not only felt timeless and authentic, but also that every single client has complimented many times over. Kelsey took the time to educate me on the logistics of running an efficient start-up. She worked within my schedule, hit every deadline, and made sure to check in with me as to how things were going for many months after her work was completed. If you’re looking for someone who can do it all and do it well then Kelsey is definitely your person. I doubt my business would still be running without her!

Owner – Sexual Health with Dee

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